Communication in Healthy Relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships can be challenging, particularly when mental health challenges are involved. Effective communication and establishing clear boundaries become essential components in fostering understanding, support, and respect. So let's focus on how to navigate relationships while managing mental health challenges, emphasizing the importance of open communication and establishing healthy boundaries.

Open and Honest Communication: Clear and open communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and it becomes even more crucial when mental health challenges are present. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and needs with your loved ones can help them better understand your experiences and provide the support you require. Be honest about your emotions and articulate your boundaries and expectations regarding your mental health. Encourage your loved ones to ask questions and actively listen to their concerns. Together, you can work towards a deeper understanding and create an environment that fosters empathy and compassion. Look up “I Messages” in communication for a really easy and effective communication strategy.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries: Setting and maintaining boundaries  are vital for maintaining your mental well-being while navigating relationships. Identify what feels comfortable and healthy for you, and communicate those boundaries clearly with your loved ones. This could include limits on discussing certain topics, understanding when you need space or alone time, or establishing boundaries around providing emotional support. Remember, setting boundaries is not selfish—it is an act of self-care that ensures you can prioritize your mental health needs. Mutual respect for each other's boundaries strengthens the foundation of your relationship and fosters a healthier dynamic. I talk a lot about boundaries and use a green stop sign as an example (if I haven’t shared that with you, let me know and I will), how can you use your green stop sign in your relationship?

Reflecting on your own relationships and mental health challenges, how have your mental health challenges influenced your relationships in the past, and what boundaries or communication strategies could you implement to promote healthier dynamics? Explore any patterns you have noticed and consider how you can effectively communicate your needs and expectations with your loved ones. What have you tried (and maybe are still trying) that isn’t working?

Journal Prompt: How to have Effective Communication

Effective communication is one of the most important skills for adults to have, regardless of their profession or personal life. We all know it can improve relationships, enhance productivity, and help you navigate challenging situations but learning effective communication can be tricky.  So I’m going to share 3 pretty simple tactics and I want you to read through them and then consider ways to add them into your life or if you already use them, ways to expand on them and use them more effectively in your day to day world.

Active Listening

Active listening is when you are giving someone who is speaking your full attention and showing that you understand what they're saying. This involves not only hearing their words but also paying attention to their body language and tone of voice. Here are some tips:

  • Put away distractions: Put away your phone, close your laptop, and turn off the TV. Show the speaker that they have your full attention.

  • Use nonverbal cues: Nod your head, maintain eye contact, and use facial expressions to show that you're engaged in the conversation.

  • Paraphrase and summarize: Repeat back what the speaker said in your own words to confirm that you understood their message.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person even when you have no experience with what they are talking about. It's an important skill in communication because it allows you to connect with others on a deeper level and build stronger relationships. Here's how you can practice empathy:

  • Put yourself in their shoes: Try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were in their position.

  • Validate their feelings: Let the other person know that their feelings are important and that you understand how they feel.

  • Respond with kindness: Respond in a way that shows that you care about the other person and their well-being. Offer help or support if appropriate.

Clear Communication

Clear communication means getting your message across in a way that's easy to understand. It's important to be concise and avoid using jargon or technical terms that the other person may not understand. Here are some tips for clear communication:

  • Be direct: Get straight to the point and avoid beating around the bush or including excessive lead up to what you are trying to say..

  • Use simple language: Use language that the other person will understand, and avoid using technical terms or jargon.

  • Confirm understanding: Ask the other person if they understand what you're saying, and encourage them to ask questions if they're unsure.

Journal Prompt: Anxiety About Your Partner Cheating

How do we maintain honesty in relationships, and build trust, when oftentimes struggling with these emotional concepts is in reaction to some sort of situation where cheating may have occurred, or some version of dishonesty.  We’ve all experienced cheating, whether in our own relationships or we’ve seen friends/family go through a cheating situation so it’s easy to come back to how those experiences feel.  Reflect on a time when you experienced trust issues and anxiety around cheating in a relationship, yours or someone else’s. Describe the situation and your feelings at the time.

Next, think about what caused these trust issues and anxiety. Was it something your partner did or said? Was it based on your own insecurities and past experiences?

Consider how you handled the situation at the time. Did you communicate your concerns with your partner? Did you try to work through the trust issues together, or did you keep them to yourself and let them fester?  Did you feel heard after you communicated or did you feel invalidated and unheard.

Now, reflect on what you learned from this experience. Are there any patterns or behaviors that you need to be aware of in future relationships? How can you communicate your needs and concerns effectively with your partner without pushing them away?

Finally, think about what steps you can take to build and maintain trust in your current or future relationships. This may include setting boundaries, practicing open and honest communication, and developing a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. Write down any actionable steps you can take to move forward and build healthier, more trusting relationships.